Dan Hart Elected 2021 First Vice President/2022 President-elect of AIA
Category: Architecture
Written By: The American Insititute of Architects
Date: September 8, 2020

The AIA announced the results of the elections for its national offices, held last week. Daniel S. Hart, FAIA PE, will be the 98th President of the American Institute of Architects beginning December 2021 for one year, succeeding 2021 President Peter Exley, FAIA, of Chicago.
Hart, from Austin, is the Executive Vice president of Architecture, a Principal, and serves on the board of Parkhill, a 400-person A/E firm, with offices in Texas and New Mexico.
Hart was an adjunct instructor of architectural engineering at Texas Tech University where he is a distinguished alumnus of the College of Architecture and where he served as the founding president of the Design Leadership Alliance.
He was president of the Texas Society of Architects in 2011. Hart served as the 2016 moderator of the AIA Strategic Council and has chaired the AIA Knowledge Committee, the AIA Public Outreach Committee, and is Co-Chair of the AIA COVID Business Practices Task Force.
Hart’s election comes at a critical time for the architecture profession, whose members are charged with ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing during a pandemic, amid calls for equity and racial justice, and at the vanguard of climate action.
“We architects know—and our social contract stipulates—we are the stewards of the built environment related to health, safety, and wellbeing. As daunting as our nested crises seem, I have faith we will prevail. We are architects, we have each other, we have design, and we know how to bring it home.”
After canceling its annual Conference on Architecture due to COVID-19, the AIA conducted its elections remotely. Delegates submitted ballots beginning September 2, and results were announced on September 4.