Hart Chosen as Panelist for AIA Dallas
Category: Architecture
Written By: Travis Cram
Date: October 31, 2016

Parkhill Principal and Higher Education Sector Director Dan Hart was selected by the American Institute of Architects Leadership Institute to take part in panel on Community Leaders at this year’s AIA Dallas conference in November.
The AIA Leadership Institute is a unique multi-venue event, maximizing technology to connect leaders across the country. AIA leadership programs will occur simultaneously in person in Charleston, Dallas, Indianapolis, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. Dan will be in Dallas with several colleagues in a panel discussion on community engagement. Keynote speakers will address the entire gathering via a National Plenary Broadcast transmitted from Washington D.C.
Each community faces the challenges presented by history and growth. Architects are uniquely qualified to offer their community a view that balances preserving what is good from the past and looking forward to the potential for the future, offering solutions. This session will include architects sharing their experiences as leaders in their communities, and the opportunity for attendees to discuss the potential for architects as community leaders.
“I’m thrilled any time architects talk about leadership within their communities,” Dan said. “Architects are uniquely suited to engage, empower and affect positive change. When AIA Dallas asked me to participate — I was all in.”
Dan has 25 years of experience in both architecture and engineering. Dan is also a dedicated advocate for the profession. He has served as President of the Texas Society of Architects, Moderator of The American Institute of Architects Strategic Council (the Institute’s national think tank) and numerous other committees advancing architecture in Texas. Dan was also an adjunct instructor of architectural engineering for senior level architecture students at Texas Tech University.
More on AIA Dallas Leadership Institute