Lubbock Getting New 21st-Century High School
Category: K12 Education
Written By: Michael Strain
Date: August 26, 2021

Lubbock-Cooper is celebrating the groundbreaking of a new innovative high school, set to enrich students for the 21st-Century workforce. Developed in a collaborative effort with the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Community, Parkhill, Epic Properties, Sandia Construction, and Core Construction, Lubbock-Cooper’s new high school will pave the future for the rapidly growing student population.
“In the last 8 years, Lubbock-Cooper has grown by 2,000 students.” – Superintendent, Keith Bryant
Parkhill simultaneously planned and designed the full 100-acre comprehensive high school campus, complete with a Career and Technology Center, 2,400-seat Tournament Style Area, a 1,400-seat auditorium, multi-sport athletic facilities, indoor practice field, and stadiums for football, baseball, softball, and soccer.
The new 21st Century atmosphere embodies the qualities found in corporate offices, higher education, manufacturing and development facilities, performance spaces, and more. The integration of the aspects of future workplaces created innovative opportunities to enhance education and skills necessary for the future.
“I am most excited about the business incubator.” – Keith Bryant
The new campus will have a business incubator, allowing local businesses space to work at the school while engaging students in opportunities to learn more about various fields in the workforce. Health Technology, Robotics, Construction Trades, Engineering, Photography, Fashion Design, and Forensic Science are just a few of the CTE opportunities that will be available.
“The new campus is a robust ecosystem.” – Michael Strain, Senior Associate + Education Environments architect
Schools of the 21st Century should not only be comprehensive but must integrate the well-being of the community as well. As an ecosystem of learning, collaboration, communication, and creativity are spurred by the new innovative facility’s design, which builds essential social skills. Generous daylight, transformable spaces, and deeply integrated technology enhance the technical skills of the balanced ecosystem. Special elements, such as social stairs, colabs, and incubators seek to blend the social-tech skills of today and tomorrow.
“Parkhill is exceptional .” – Keith Bryant
Parkhill designed the entire master plan utilizing in-house, integrated services. Lubbock-Cooper virtually walked all portions of the master plan, making effective decisions in all stages of development from community to educator input. The technologically integrated services of the designers, engineers, cost consultants, constructors, and the developer brought robust decision-making abilities throughout the whole planning and development process, which will allow Lubbock-Cooper to begin serving students in the Fall of 2023.