Maintaining Values During Work from Home
Category: Building Community
Written By: Kristen West
Date: May 7, 2020

Parkhill recently asked its employees, “Given our work from home situation, which of Parkhill’s Collective and Individual Values can you apply to your work?” Their answers were inspiring.
Change is at the center of innovation, and with Parkhill’s new work from home policy, the firm’s President, Jay Edwards, who took charge in late 2019, is bringing us back in touch with the firm’s values. Beyond Parkhill’s mission of Building Community, the firm’s Collective and Individual Values shape the way team members go about their work. But, they mean something more than that.
From our work family to yours, we offer their insight.
Life Balance
With a large majority of us working and teaching from home, it has never been more important to have Life Balance. Our kids and our clients need us, and it’s important that we maintain a balance that benefits both, providing quality design and quality parenting!
Kory Murphy
Architect | Austin
Personal Ownership
Work from home is something different, and we as humans don’t like change. It takes a lot of self-discipline to establish a routine and make the necessary changes to be able to continue working at the same pace and meet our commitments.
Gus Sosa
Civil Engineer | El Paso
Engaging Collaboration
For a few years now, we have been developing critical technology infrastructure – cloud technologies such as digital asset management, resource management, a corporate intranet, and file synchronization and hosting. It has enabled the transition to working from our homes much easier without realizing how much we would need these types of technologies during this unique time.
Geof Harral
Director of Marketing | Lubbock
Contagious Passion
Spreading good work ethic, instead of a virus, by maintaining a positive mindset in spite of circumstances, working hard, and being communicative.
Luke Fleenor
Graduate Engineer | Lubbock
Deepening Credibility
Deepening Credibility means recognizing that our character and our competence matters even more now that we work from home. It can be easy to get distracted by our new “co-workers,” making way for unintentional errors. We are working harder than ever to ensure we are making meaningful contributions in our work. Working from home has challenged us to learn and adapt to new protocols and technologies, which will deepen our credibility now and as we move forward in our work beyond this pandemic.
Dawn Moore
Corporate Director of Human Resources | Lubbock
Humble Leadership
I think about Humble Leadership, which talks about patience and empathy, never needed more than now. If I’m not sure how to apply that, I think about the great examples of Humble Leadership we have in our firm and what they would do.
René Franks
Associate & Civil Engineer | Midland
Informed Insight
Informed Insight is “seeing clearly and intuitively beyond complexity.” All of us as individuals are having to engage the complexity of doing our work in a new environment: How do I stay connected? How do remain productive while I deal with my children and family who are not used to me being around? How does Webex work? Informed insight is in drawing meaningful conclusions from circumstances we’ve never faced before.
Dan Hart
Principal & Executive Vice President of Architecture | Austin
Inspired Contribution
Inspired Contribution is one I see a lot of us stepping up to by reaching out to clients, co-workers, and communities in new, meaningful ways. It’s great to see us thrive!
Kristen West
Communications Coordinator | Frisco
Unassuming Influence
Unassuming Influence means discovering opportunities that will benefit our clients. Learn about the opportunity and advise the client of the potential benefit to their community. Most importantly – don’t take credit. Take a step back and let the client have the credit for the idea. “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” – Harry S. Truman
John T. Hamilton
Principal & Executive Vice President of Engineering | Lubbock
Real Innovation
Under these circumstances, we want to think about innovative ways to solve problems and add to our communities.
Debby Coco
Design Technologist | Midland
Enduring Relationships
While we usually think of these as business relationships, during this time when we are apart from one another as colleagues, it is important to remember that people are at the center of all we do. Stay connected!