Parkhill K-12 Projects Honored in TASA | TASB Exhibit School of Architecture
Category: Awards
Written By: Nicole McBride
Date: September 21, 2022

The Texas Association of School Administrators and the Texas Association of School Boards have announced the list of 55 projects included in the Exhibit School of Architecture on display September 22-25 at the 2022 TASA | TASB Convention.
Six of Parkhill's K-12 projects were on display. This exhibit of new and renovated Texas school facilities includes projects from 36 school districts and two colleges that were submitted by 16 architectural firms. Eligible projects are newly constructed or renovated public education facilities completed in the past five years and not previously submitted in this annual exhibit.
Abilene ISD Dyess Elementary School won Stars of Distinction for Design and Community. Lubbock-Cooper ISD New Middle School won Stars of Distinction for Design and Value.