Parkhill Announces Promotions
Category: Company News
Written By: Travis Cram
Date: November 16, 2017

Parkhill is pleased to announce the promotion of 17 design professionals into Principal, Senior Associate, and Associate positions recognizing their commitment to serving our clients throughout its nine offices across Texas and New Mexico.
“This group really represents what we try to accomplish as a company in building community with our clients and becoming that trusted advisor to them,” said Joe Rapier, then-President and CEO of Parkhill. “We look forward to watching them continue to grow as leaders in their professions and their communities.”
Jared Higgins, PE, CEM, CPMP, GGP, is a Team Leader for Mechanical Engineering in our MEP/S Practice from the Lubbock office. In his 13 years with Parkhill, Jared has initiated our Energy Services Group. He is a leader in mechanical systems design and energy services, which includes energy modeling, building commissioning, energy policy, and codes. He has articles published in the Journal of Energy Engineering that advocate for Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment.
Jamie Zavodny, AIA, serves as a K-12 Education Studio Leader in our Austin office. Her experience includes district-wide facility assessments, bond planning, and design through construction administration for education facilities. Jamie’s 15 years of professional practice includes design and project management for higher education, commercial, municipal and religious facilities.
Frank Pugsley, PE, MOLO, is a Team Leader in the Public Works Practice in our Frisco office. As Project Manager for over 140 acres of composite landfill liner, Frank is an expert in landfill design and permit management. He joined Parkhill in 2015 and has 14 years of experience in municipal infrastructure design, including municipal water and wastewater infrastructure and treatment.
Larry Bell, PE, has been promoted to Senior Associate. He is a Senior Engineer with Parkhill’s Aviation Team from our Midland office. He is an experienced aviation project developer and is the past-president of his local American Society for Civil Engineers chapter. Larry has worked with Parkhill for 27 years.
Les Burke, AIA, has been promoted to Senior Associate. He is a Studio Leader in Parkhill’s K-12 area in our Midland office, and his expertise lies in educational facility planning and renovation. He is also well versed in building codes and the requirements for Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation-Texas Accessibility Standards. Les has been with Parkhill for 23 years and has worked as an architect for 40 years.
Kyle Jackson, PE, has been promoted to Senior Associate. He is a Team Leader in Parkhill’s Transportation Highway Practice from our Lubbock office. His experience in roadway construction allows him to recommend solutions to complex challenges and give key insights during design. Kyle has been with Parkhill for 14 years and has worked as a Civil Engineer for 16 years.
Mary Stills, AIA, CNU-A, has been promoted to Senior Associate. She is a Project Manager for Parkhill’s Higher Education Practice from our El Paso office. Creative design is Mary’s specialty. She has received local and state awards for the El Paso Community College Culinary Arts Program Spaces and El Paso ISD Tom Lea Elementary School. Mary has worked with Parkhill for 10 years and as an architect for 24 years.
Daniel Albus, PE, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Team Leader in Parkhill’s Environmental Practice from our Lubbock office. He is skilled in designing reverse osmosis and arsenic treatment plants, facultative lagoons and activated sludge systems, and he has presented technical papers at several American Society of Civil Engineers state-section meetings. Daniel has been with Parkhill for seven years.
Bradley Blount, PE, CPD, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Mechanical Engineer in Parkhill’s MEP/Structural Practice from our Lubbock office. He has designed HVAC and plumbing systems for numerous multimillion-dollar education facilities, offices, performing arts centers and crime labs. Bradley has worked with Parkhill for 12 years.
Thomas Campbell, PE, LEED AP, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Senior Project Manager in Parkhill’s K-12 Practice from our Frisco office. His experience has been focused on structural engineering design and construction. Thom has worked with Parkhill for a year and has 27 years of experience.
Chad Dietz, ASLA, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Landscape Architect in Parkhill’s Higher Education Practice from our Amarillo office. His goal is to design creative, unique landscapes without compromising the natural environment. Chad has received the Certificate of Merit from the American Society of Landscape Architects. Chad has been with Parkhill for five years and a landscape architect for nine years.
Charles Fiedler, PE, LEED AP, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Civil Engineer in Parkhill’s Public Works Practice from our Albuquerque office. Solid waste management, waste minimization, and recycling are the focus of his practice. Charles has over 39 years of experience and is a nationally recognized expert in landfill construction and landfill gas systems design.
Michael Howard, RLA, AIA, AICP, GISP, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Team Leader in Parkhill’s K-12 area from our Frisco office. He specializes in GIS mapping and analysis for urban, landscape and natural resource planning and analysis for benchmarking. He has been with Parkhill for eight years and has worked as a landscape architect for 11 years.
Ryan Kennerly, PE, DBIA, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Team Leader in Parkhill’s Infrastructure Practice from our Lubbock office. He is an expert in master planning, the construction of potable well fields and hydraulic analysis through modeling software. Ryan has been with Parkhill for seven years.
Scott Reed, AIA, has been promoted to Associate. He is an architect in Parkhill’s K-12 Practice from our Midland office. Planning educational facilities that will shape the future of their respective communities is his expertise. He has lectured on behalf of TSA’s Council for Opportunity in Education at TASA/TASB’s Conference. Scott has worked with Parkhill for four years and as an architect for 20 years.
Sam Wyatt, RPLS, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Team Leader in Parkhill’s Public Works Practice from our Lubbock office. He pioneered Parkhill’s Surveying services, and he is experienced in completing boundary surveys, municipal platting, topographic surveys, construction layout and as-built surveys. Sam has been with Parkhill for two years and has 10 years of experience as a Professional Land Surveyor.
Brandon Young, AIA, LEED AP, BD+C, has been promoted to Associate. He is a Team Leader in Parkhill’s Higher Education area from our Abilene office. His work is rooted in architecture that is defined by local context, informed by regional influences and shaped by contemporary practice and application. Brandon has been with Parkhill for two years and has 15 years of architecture experience.