Seminole invests in hospital remodel to bring high-tech care to community
Category: Healthcare
Written By: KCBD
Date: January 19, 2022

LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - While many rural hospitals in Texas are closing their doors, the opposite is happening in Gaines County. In Seminole, Wednesday was a day of celebration for city leaders, doctors, and the community. Seminole Hospital District completed its $45 million remodeling project.
“As a community, I know you’ve been waiting a while for this day. Believe me, we have too,” CEO Larry Gray said at the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Six years after planning for the remodel began, hospital and community leaders are proud of the result.
“One of the boys said, you know dad, it’s neat that such a small town has such a great hospital. And I'll leave it at that. It is really neat that our small town has such a great hospital,” Mayor John Belcher said.