Time-Lapse Tuesday-Panel Installation at EPISD Coronado HS

Category: Timelapse Tuesday

Written By: Nicole McBride

Date: July 27, 2021

Time-Lapse Tuesday-Panel Installation at EPISD Coronado HS cover image

Campus improvements at the new El Paso ISD Coronado HS began in 2019. These improvements including a new academic building and are planned to be completed in several phases by 2022. 

Panels are mounted to the face of the building on continuous girts, sheet railing installed to hold the panels in place along the entire face of the building. The 2-inch thick insulated metal panels have a core made out of polyisocyanurate foam providing an added thermal value to the building envelope thus furthering the efficiency of the HVAC systems. The flexibility of the insulated core metal panels and the wide range of colors available allows for a dynamic and a polychromatic appearance and unique character of the building.