Two Parkhill Engineers Chosen as Top Young Professionals by ENR
Category: Engineering
Written By: Travis Cram
Date: January 11, 2017

Parkhill professional engineers Frank Pugsley and Jacob Hernandez have been selected as two of Engineering News Record Texas & Louisiana’s Top Young Professionals for 2017, as announced Tuesday by the publication.
Formerly known as the Top 20 Under 40, an independent panel of judges selected the 20 individuals in each region after firms from across the region submitted approximately 50 entries in this year’s contest from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas. These individuals are then judged by three primary criteria: industry experience and education; career and industry leadership; and community service and involvement.
“Frank and Jacob are two great examples of what professional engineers encompass in our industry,” said Joe Rapier, CEO of Parkhill. “This recognition is testament to their dedication to their communities and serving as trusted advisors to our clients.”
Pugsley is a Senior Associate and Team Leader on Parkhill’s Environmental Team. He has more than 14 years of experience on a variety of municipal infrastructure projects and is one of the top solid waste engineers practicing in Texas. His experience includes stints in municipal water and wastewater infrastructure and treatment. He has been the Engineer of Record for more than 125 acres of composite landfill liner construction, many Texas Commission on Environmental Quality municipal solid waste permit modifications and amendments, transfer station designs and renovations, landfill expansions, vehicle scale systems, as well as other various landfill facilities.
Hernandez is a Principal and Team Leader for the El Paso Site Development & Planning Practice. As a site development expert, he has provided engineering and master-planning services for more than 3,000 acres of residential and mixed-use land development in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Permian Basin areas as well as municipal engineering services in the El Paso and Las Cruces, N.M., area.