Two Parkhill Projects Recognized with AIA Abilene Design Awards
Category: Architecture
Written By: Nicole McBride
Date: October 6, 2020

ABILENE, Texas — Two Parkhill projects have been honored with Abilene Chapter of AIA Design Awards – Texas State Technical College Abilene Industrial Technology Center and The King’s University Master Plan Development on the Gateway Southlake Campus.
TSTC Abilene Industrial Technology Center was recognized with an Honor Award – the highest level of award given by the chapter. The Honor Award recognizes the project the jurors unanimously felt stood out among all entries submitted.
The King’s University Master Plan Development on the Gateway Southlake Campus was given an Award of Merit. The Merit Award recognizes projects that demonstrated excellence in design and execution.
The Fort Worth Chapter of AIA served as the jury to assess the project submissions. Jurors did not have access to firm or design team information. Jurors were free to confer as many awards as they deemed appropriate for submissions received.
TSTC’s Abilene Industrial Technology Center is the first building on TSTC’s newest campus and provides student services space, lab and support space for the Industrial Maintenance Technology, Welding Technology, Emergency Medical Services, and Electrical Power and Controls Technology programs. The facility opened to students in August 2018 and establishes the precedent for future development on this TSTC campus.
The King’s University Master Plan Development – Gateway Southlake was designed to plan for a significant growth of numbers of students and is an extension of a larger expansion of the Gateway Church Southlake Campus, also completed by Parkhill. The master plan anticipates 265,000 GSF of building space, which includes academic, administrative and learning common spaces, on-campus housing, a central plant, and multiple outdoor teaching, learning, and communal spaces.
2020 AIA Abilene Award Winners
Honor Award
Texas State Technical College Abilene Industrial Technology Center
Merit Award
The King’s University Master Plan Development on the Gateway Southlake Campus