City Names Architect to Design New McKinney Municipal Complex
Category: Architecture
Written By: Community Impact Newspaper
Date: November 9, 2020

McKinney City Council approved the hiring of Lake Flato + Parkhill as architects for the new McKinney Municipal Complex and City Hall during a Nov. 3 meeting.
According to meeting documents, the municipal complex will take up approximately 180,000 square feet. It will be the hub for the city manager’s office, the city secretary’s office, development services, parks and recreation, and housing and community development.
Future developments could also include municipal courts and a structured parking facility.
“I couldn’t be more pleased to be here tonight to ask your consideration for a resolution authorizing the city manager to engage and execute a contract for City Hall design,” said Patricia Jackson, the facilities construction manager for the City of McKinney to the council. “It’s been a long time coming.”
The new municipal complex would be located on about 13 acres east of Hwy. 5 between Virginia Street and Lamar Street and between the railroad tracks and Throckmorton Street, per city documents.