EPISD Coronado HS Academic Building: Construction Update Feb. 13-April 21
Category: Architecture
Written By: Nicole McBride
Date: May 5, 2020

This #TimeLapseTuesday shows continuing construction at the site of the new academic building at EPISD’s Coronado High School from February 13 to April 21. To start, an on-grade slab was placed in Area 3 of the Academics Building — which is comprised of classrooms and teacher support areas — followed by steel frame erection, second-floor decking, the roof frame and decking for the second-story section of the building.
The work in this area also includes the installation of a rough-in for the building systems, including domestic water lines, sanitary and acid sewer lines and electrical rough-in. Concurrently, reinforcement for spot footings and an on-grade slab in Area A2, for more classrooms and teacher support areas, was put in place in preparation for concrete placement.
Simultaneously footing excavation and trenching for underground utility lines progressed throughout Area 1, which will be divided into administration spaces of the building. A fire separation CMU wall between Area A and Area B is also being erected during this portion of construction.