A Solid Place to Stand
Written By: Dan Hart, FAIA, PE
Date: June 13, 2022

Dan Hart, FAIA, PE, is a Principal and the Executive Vice President of Architecture at Parkhill. He also serves on Parkhill’s Board of Directors. Dan was elected the 98th President of the American Institute of Architects beginning December 2021.
Archimedes once said, “Give me a long enough lever and a place to stand, and I will move the earth.”
It’s graduation season, and I’m thrilled to congratulate and welcome the architecture class of 2022 to what is next.
Graduates from all fields tend to emerge from school believing they can change the world. For the class of 2022, especially, there is much in the world that needs changing. They have completed their studies in the midst of a global pandemic. They understand as well as anyone how quickly the world can change—for better and for worse. Design thinking, the heart of an architecture education, is a considerable lever.