Streets And Utilities For Amazon Sortation Facility | Lubbock, Texas

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Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (LEDA)

  • construction services
  • Lubbock, Texas
Parkhill Contruction Type

Construction Type


Parkhill Project Delivery

Project Delivery Method


Parkhill Project Components

Project Components

Design and construction for roadway, water/sewer and drainage

After Amazon decided to open a new sortation facility in the Lubbock Business Park, the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (LEDA) chose Parkhill to help make the infrastructure for this economically important addition a reality by driving a very fast-paced design and construction schedule. Parkhill has a history of working on the Lubbock Business Park in northeast Lubbock, including an earlier master plan of the 586-acre site.

Multiple practices from Parkhill have come together in a collaborative effort to assist LEDA in the design and construction administration of utilities and city streets throughout the Lubbock Business Park.

A unique aspect of the project involving South Ivory, King, Hunter, and Nutmeg streets is the substantial coordination required between the utility and roadway packages while also ensuring seamless coordination with site development for the actual Amazon facility. The fast-track project highlights the strength of Parkhill’s comprehensive services and emphasis on sound project management to help build community.

Services Provided

Planning, design, and construction administration of utilities and streets

Project Leadership


At Parkhill, We're Designing and Building for
Your Tomorrow

Abram Streetscape | Arlington, Texas

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