The Green at College Park | Arlington, Texas

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The University of Texas at Arlington

  • landscape architecture
  • Arlington, Texas
Parkhill Project Size

Project Scope

3.5 acres

Parkhill Project Components

Project Components

Trails, benches, shade structures, large oval lawn

The Green at College Park is a masterful solution of stormwater management disguised with lush, welcoming vegetation. This three-acre park includes trails, benches, shade structures, and a large oval lawn area.


The Green is located at the south end of the University of Texas at Arlington campus. Before development, the earthen ditch running through the site channeled water into a 48-inch diameter drainage pipe off Mitchell Street. This pipe, which conveyed runoff to a tributary of Johnson Creek, had only 50% of the capacity needed to get the water off-site efficiently. As a result, water often overtopped the curb and flooded the street in significant rainfall events. On more than one occasion, water even flooded the apartments south of the site. Parkhill | Schrickel Rollin’s team of landscape architects and civil engineers developed a cost-effective, workable plan.


Parkhill | SR first reduced storm sewer water flow leaving the site to prevent street and property flooding through several drainage improvements. The project team designed a new six-foot by four-foot system to handle runoff from the campus development. Those new box culverts enter the structure, and a 48-inch pipe exits it. In extreme rainfall events, some water continues to flow through the structure into a 48-inch pipe and connects to the existing pipe at Mitchell Street.


The team also used an innovative storm spring, which functions as a reverse inlet, on the large oval lawn. A portion of the water also spills out of the storm spring into the lawn, which serves as a detention area, solving the flooding problem the community was facing.


Parkhill | SR’s design for the park also incorporated environmental innovation. The team added a biofilter to remove pollutants from an adjacent parking lot, a rain channel with a porous soil structure to increase infiltration and filter suspended solids, and pervious pedestrian paving.


The Green at College Park has become a place of fellowship and community through its amenities, including trails, benches, shade structures, and a large oval lawn area.


It has not only become a valuable place in the Arlington Community; it also won the American Society of Landscape Architects’ 2012 Honor Award and stands as a model for sustainability. The Green meets a series of Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) standards and was one of the first three projects in the world to be certified by SITES.


Services Provided 

Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering 



LEED Gold Certified 


  • Sustainable Sites Initiative – One Star Certification 
  • 2012 Honor Award Texas ASLA 

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